Project Description
The New Learning Communities Consortium proposal for the Schools 3 Public Private Partnership project (PPP) for the Ministry of Education (MoE) included three new primary schools spread across the greater Auckland Region. The design of the schools was carefully planned to allow a single level modular solution allowing direct access to outdoor learning environments and a proposal able to be delivered in the required timeframe.
Each school accommodated an initial roll of 560 students able to expand to final roll of 700. Each Leaning Hub accommodated 75 students and supported Modern Learning Environment pedagogy. The design was modular, and each Hub able to operate independently of the next in terms of electrical, hydraulic, fire and mechanical services, affording flexibility in expansion and operation.
Precon’s Role
Precon were Design Managers for the consortium, which involved the establishment of a committed team, proactive relationship management, and early stakeholder engagement with educational and subject experts. Key deliverables included design and construction programme integration.